Justino, Paulo
Paulo Justino is resercher at LNEG, Phd in Mechanical Engineering, involved in R&D in wave energy technology for more than 20 years, namely on what concerns modelling (theoretical, numerical and tank testing) of OWC and offshore wave energy converters, plant control, hydrodynamics modelling, monitoring and overall devices performance. Participated in the studies and monitoring development of the European Wave Energy Pilot Plant on the Island of Pico (Azores, Portugal). He participated in several EU projects, namely, “Wave Energy Network”, “Co-ordination action on Ocean Energy”, “Performance Improvement of OWC Power Equipment (PIOWC)”, “Hydrodynamic and resource modeling and plant control”, “SEAENERGY”, “ORECCA”, “Demowfloat”. Scientific areas of interest: a) Ocean energy and offshore wind. b) Mathematical modeling, numerical simulation and optimization of shoreline, nearshore and offshore systems for extraction of wave energy; c) Numerical simulation of arrays of offshore systems for extracting wave energy; d) Study of the influence of moorings on the behavior of systems for extracting wave energy; e) Assessment of maritime conditions; f) Analysis of the behavior of offshore structures subject to real sea conditions.